
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Math Mammoth {Homeschool Review}

Affordable Quality Math {Math Mammoth }
Math. It can be one an intimidating subject to teach.  Homeschool moms either love it or hate it.  It can sometimes be the reason a family is ready to throw in the "homeschool" towel.  Trust me, I've been there.  The best thing to remember is that you are NOT alone and there is help out there. Today I will share with you a wonderful supplemental math curriculum that can help.

We recently have had the opportunity to review the Blue Series for Math Mammoth.  More specifically we have reviewed: Australian MoneyClock, and Multiplication 1.  

Math Mammoth Blue Series are worktexts, meaning they have the work and the text included.  Basically they are work books and text books combined!  The cover all concepts for grades 1-7.  Answers are included in the back of the worktext.

Look at all your options!

Let me explain briefly how these workbooks actually work.  There is very little prep work for you, the teacher, except for the downloading, printing, and possibly binding.  I printed off the workbooks and my son immediately took it and began working on it.  No help needed from me.  None!  (Just a side note, if you have Adobe Reader Version 9 or greater, your child can answer the problems using your keyboard or drawing tools.)

I should note that this could be used as a complete curriculum if you are looking for that.  For me, it works as a great supplemental math program.  

Australian Money
Our main math curriculum is from America and therefore teaches American money.  Although we are Americans, we live in Australia, and my kids need to learn Australian money.  My son loved this workbook, what kid doesn't love counting money?!  He flew through this worktext pretty quickly, and we focused on the last part (which was more for 3rd grade).

This worktext teaches reading a clock/telling time and using a calendar.  This was a nice filler for my son when he was "bored".  I would just have him do a page.  It only took a few minutes, but he was learning.  The lessons are divided into grade levels.  So I just looked through and found the area that he struggles in (for example, 5 or 10 minutes after the hour), and had him work on that.

Multiplication 1
In this worktext multiplication is taught a little differently.  They "easy" ones are taught first -  2, 5, 10, and 11.  They then teach the 4 family after the 2 family, then the 6 family after the 3 family, as those have a similarities.  My son was struggling with the 7,8, and 9 family, so we mainly focused on those.  But this would be a great unit for learning multiplication from the beginning.

We have enjoyed using Math Mammoth, and will keep our worktexts around to use as needed.  If you would like to see some sample pages click here.  If you would like to have your child take an assessment to see if they have any gaps, click here.

Affordable Quality Math {Math Mammoth }

To learn more about Math Mammoth check out their social media:

  To read more Math Mammoth reviews click below...
Affordable Quality Math {Math Mammoth Reviews}

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