We find some very quickly and others can take time. We had one that we gave up and went back later and found it. There is one that we still cannot find at another location, but plan to go back and check it out again.

This was a fun one and at a place we pass often.
(The geocache instructions were very specific which is why I thought it was ok to share this photo.)

One of the things I love about this geochaching is finding places like this nearby that I never knew existed. This is right down the road from my house. (You can click the photo to enlarge it.)
I was also out with a friend this week and was telling her about the geocaching, and was showing her the app on my phone. It turned out that there was a geocache very close so we went looking for it. She enjoyed it, so hopefully I'll have a partner in crime when my brother leaves. (But we're not talking about him leaving because it makes me incredibly sad.)
I'd love to hear your geocache stories!
Our family likes to geocache too.
Most of the time my husband takes the kids (which gives me a bit of "alone time"). They find lots, but have left a couple of times without success.
We agree - you find some neat places that you would never know about other wise.
My kids now want to pick a place to hide a geocache :)
Some of the cooler ones I found were under fake dog poo and another that was tied to fishing line in a sewer grate
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