Today we went to the hospital to visit him, after the other family left the room Autumn stayed behind with me and asked if she could read him a verse from the Bible, he said yes. So she read him John 3:16. She then left her Bible with him "in case you want to read it later" she said. I was so proud of her. We're planning to go to visit him again tomorrow, so please pray that we will have the opportunity to witness to him. Please pray the Lord will soften his heart.
When I was a teenager my grandfather was very sick and needed a liver transplant. We wasn't sure if he was going to make it. In fact only immediate family could see him. I wrote him a letter for my dad to read to him telling him I was concerned about his salvation and wanted to see him in Heaven. He got better and I was able to go in and see him. I had the privilege of leading him to the Lord. What a blessing it would be for Autumn to lead her great grandpa to the Lord. Please pray!
Praying. I just lost my grandpa a couple of weeks ago...he was 95 and as far as I know rejected salvation as well. He flat out refused to discuss it. :-( I will pray for a soft heart for him as well as healing!!
That brought tears to my & Patrick have done a great job raising Autumn to be "soul-conscious"!
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