
Thursday, April 7, 2016


Life has been so busy lately.  Between church on Sundays, Kid's Club on Wednesdays, Teen Group on Fridays, Scouts two evenings a week, other church activities, homeschooling, and just normal life in general, we haven't had time to stop and breathe.  This week is school holidays, and we (well, at least me and the kids) are just relaxing.    Oh, how we really needed this!  Tomorrow the kids and I will be having a fun day out, I'm sure I'll post photos.

1 comment:

Suey said...

Hi Jen, Kristi from Raising Clovers directed me to you, since I'm a new homeschooler in Australia, just trying to work out what's what!! I love her blog but as you may have found things are a little different here and I just wanted a bir more insight and new ideas as we tease out what is best for our family! Can't wait to read through your blog :) Sue.