
Monday, July 29, 2013

What's Up This Week?

I just sat down and figured out my schedule this week.  Feel free to skip this post, I just like to have records of my life, kind of like a journal.  :)  And the picture?  That's for free!
  • Monday - Homeschool and Ladies Bible Study (7p)
  • Tuesday - Homeschool and grocery shopping (for home and church bbq)
  • Wednesday - Homeschool, babysit for a friend (9a-2p), and company for dinner (7p)
  • Thursday - Homeschool, tax appointment (1p), and prayer meeting at our house (7p)
  • Friday - Homeschool co-op and markets
  • Saturday - Church bbq
On top of just those things, I have my normal household chores, preparing for Sunday church, cut Patrick and Cody's hair, and baking cinnamon rolls and make peanut eggs for a friend's birthday on Sunday.  It's going to be a full-on week!

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