
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

A Girl's Weekend Away

This past weekend some friends and I had a nice little girl's weekend.  Besides my trip to America last year, this was my first time away from my family overnight since we've moved to Australia.  I don't often get a chance to go out with friends.  But some other plans got rearranged and we had the time so we went!
We went to Katherine, which is a town about 3 hours south.  We stayed at a friend's motel, we napped, we had a pedicure, we ate out for meals, we napped, we laughed, we talked.  It was so much fun, and so needed.
Life has just been so busy lately.  I sometimes feel like I'm in a dream and trying to run, but it feels like I have one of those parachutes strapped to my back.  Everything is going so fast, and I can't seem to slow things down.
This week is school holidays for us.  I thought it would be a perfect time to do my "spring cleaning" (although it's technically fall here).  Things keep coming up and I'm running here or there.  Life is good, but very busy.
Have a great week!


Chris and Carole said...

Sounds Wonderful!

Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to having one of those with my girlfriends soon!