- I hate having my photo taken.
- But refuse to have a bad photo for facebook.
- This was taken on Sunday evening after a long day.
- Therefore it's not my favorite, but will work.
- I'm letting my hair grow out.
- This is the longest it has ever been in my entire life (at least that I remember).
- My daughter is growing hers out as well.
- We will probably donate it to locks of love in another year.
- Yesterday I discovered my daughter has lice. Did I mention her hair is very long?
- Yuk! After 3 hours of cleaning and combing I think we got them!
- It is a perfect 78F here today.
- It's been like this almost everyday for the past three months.
- In another few weeks the build up will start.
- This means very hot and very humid.
- I will not venture out much, not many people do.
- In October I'm going back to Pennsylvania for two weeks.
- I get to spend three days at a ladies retreat with one of my dearest friends.
- I get to spend 8 days on a cruise to the Bahamas with my dad, bonus mom, brothers, and nephew.
- I've never met my nephew. :'(
- I hope to visit some other friends as well.
- I've never been away from my family for more than three nights.
- Let alone fly alone to the other side of the world and be gone for 16 days!
- I'm excited and nervous and excited.
- I miss my family like crazy.
- But feel this is the most content and happy I have ever been.
- God is good.
Oops that was 26. Oh well. Enjoy.
Glad you have a chance to come "home"! Hope you have a wonderful time. The cruise sounds exciting!
This was really cute Jen.
Wow! 78 degrees everyday for about 3 months!!! That's fantastic.
It is a bit cooler today. 83degrees right now here in Kansas. But it has been scorching hot this summer! So many days well over 100 degrees. I am looking forward to Fall.
That is a good picture of you. You are a lovely lady! (:>)
Enjoy your trip.
Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
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