Crazy Love, Overwhelmed by a Relentless God by Francis Chan is one of those books that will change your way of thinking and eventually your life. It all comes down to God's love for us and our love for Him. The first and great commandment is to love God. If we only could focus on that everything else would fall into place.
There were so many great quotes, but here are two that stick out now as I write this review:
"He {God} cannot be contained in this world,
explained by our vocabulary,
or grasped by our understanding."
"His {God's} perfect holiness, by definition,
assures us that our words can't contain Him.
assures us that our words can't contain Him.
Isn't it a comfort to worship a God we cannot exxagerate?"
I plan to reread this book again because there were so much information that I feel I missed things. If you feel like you're missing something in your walk with God, if you want to be spiritually refreshed - READ this book!
I know nothing about Francis Chan, I deliberately read nothing about him until I read the book. I later found out that he sold his large home and moved into a much smaller one so they could have more to give away. His testimony amazes me. He doesn't share it to be boastful but to encourage others to simply do what Christ would have you do...share His amazing love with others.
I get so tired of hearing people say they can't afford to tithe (how can you not afford it!). It's all God's money in the first place. I also get so tired of hearing people say they can't afford to give (other than tithing). I love that my husband is giving. Last month we working with some missionaries and my husband said he felt the Lord wanted us to give them a certain amount of money. The amount was more than we could afford, but we gave and the Lord He ALWAYS does. You can never, ever outgive God.
You may wonder how we got from loving God to giving. Well, it goes hand in hand. When our hearts are so full of love for our God, we're going to want to serve Him and please Him. And many times we just need to look around and see the needs of others and open up our wallets and just give.
1 comment:
I'm planning to read this book later this year. It sounds really good!!
*I linked over from Life as Mom
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