
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Quick Question...

I was trying to post pictures this morning, but blogger is saying my account is full to post more pictures.  Has this ever happened to anyone?  I've been blogging for almost 3 years and never heard of anyone having to buy more space for their blog.  I went into Picassa to delete some pictures thinking that would help, and somehow deleted all my pictures in Picassa...yeah, I'm still upset over that one.  It only cost $5 a year to add more space to blogger, but I delete my other blog thinking it would help, but it didn't.

Any advice?


Julia said...

This has never happened to me, but I do know someone it did happen to. It was weird because it didn't seem like they had that many posts. I know I post tons of pictures. She ended up starting a new blog.

Be Thou Exalted said...

Oh, I don't want to start another blog! I think it may have something to do with my digital camera and the size of the pictures.

Julia said...

You might find this helpful:

I sure hope I don't run into this problem because I know the size of my pictures are large.

Be Thou Exalted said...

I was just reading that link before you sent it. Thanks for looking it up for me. I think I'm going to have to buy more space. It's only $5 a year, but still!

Kimmay said...

Thats really weird! so far that hasn't happened to me.

Amy said...

Strange! I compress my pictures in Microsoft Office Picture Manager before I post them online, but only because we have slow internet out here. It makes for faster uploading. Perhaps this will help save space in the future?