Assignment #1
- Read pages 1-16 in Spring Cleaning for Normal People
- Quickly go through your entire home with a garbage can and toss out any and all trash you find.
- Take three boxes labeled "give", "sell", and "maybe" and begin in one corner of your home and gradually move out until you have briefly scanned every room in your home. As you do this, scan each item you see and briefly question yourself: "Is this useful to me and/or our family? Is this beautiful to me and/or our family?".
So, you wanna see how I did??
~ Jen ~
I just came across your blog~ this looks like fun I might try to do this too!
Thank You!
Honestly I am not sure I how I found your blog?!?!?
I always use http://www.picnik.com/
to get the verses on the pictures!
Oh, you brave,brave people! You, who show the before pictures! LOL
I see you left the cat - I guess you decided he must be beautiful or useful, huh?
That's what attracted me to your site the very first time I came across it - you had taken a picture of your CVS haul, but at the back of the picture, outside the window, the cat was perched, looking all homey and regal at the same time.
Great Job!! I wish I loved to clean. I have been doing better though.
Yay for you! Great job! I did read this on Biblical Womanhood and have/had very good intentions of doing this as well. Unfortunately, the honey and myself have been sick the latter half of this week. (Uh oh..was that an excuse?!) I have some catching up to do. However, you've got me motivated again. The house looks great! BTW, did you buy the book? or is it posted somewhere to read? ~Sue
I linked from Biblical Womanhood to see how others were doing with the challenge. I'm really impressed by what you've gotten done. Great work!
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