I absolutely LOVE this time of year. We went to a few places, and sadly we're celebrating too early, so they only had hay bales, pumpkins, and mums for sale. We still want to get corn stalks to put on the posts of the porch, indian corn and more pumpkins! But we have a good start! I also want to get some Yankee Candles...cinnamon spice is my favorite candle scent.
Those are lovely decorations. I love Autumn too- but with a surname like Berry don't think I could use it as a name even ifI managed to produce a girl! :). We do not do Autumn decorations over here I think it is a lovely idea though. came over from a dusty frame.
I really like the looks of your house. It looks very welcoming! Is it like a log cabin?
Those are lovely decorations. I love Autumn too- but with a surname like Berry don't think I could use it as a name even ifI managed to produce a girl! :). We do not do Autumn decorations over here I think it is a lovely idea though. came over from a dusty frame.
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