
Sunday, July 6, 2008

When is Too Much Too Much!!

Okay, I've been packing for our big move across the ocean, and I went through my CVS tub to see what I wanted to take and what I need to give away. As I put everything out on my washer and dryer I realized I had a mini CVS store! I thought I would post some pics, since I didn't post my CVS deals this week!

This tub is filled with all the Garnier Face products and makeup. There is probably 10 tubes of mascara, 15 lip glosses, tons of eyeshadow, chapstick and concealer! The picture doesn't really show you everything, but I didn't feel like emptying this one out. Let's just say I don't need makeup or makeup remover in a LONG time!! I skipped the masacara deals at CVS this week! I love CVS, I just can't stop myself. This is probably some form of an addiction!!

Join the others at Money Saving Mom and The "Cent"sible Sawyer.

Happy CVSing!


Dawn said...

HaHa! Ok, so I was wondering about this. I thought you must have a pretty good stock pile going. Either that or your family goes through shaving cream and tooth paste super fast. :)

Now, I know I could not be a true CVSer. I hate stock piling. lol! One back up bottle or tube is good for me.

Dear Abbi said...

Bwahah, looks familiar! Don't you just love CVS?! I sold a lot of our excess at our yard sale, recently, in addition to giving stuff away as I go. But we still have plenty in our new linen closets. I'm trying to learn how to keep it fairly low, though, b/c I know I will never again have the need to pay actual money for toothpaste. :)

Christie said...

WOW!!! You are your own CVS store!!! lol What a stockpile!! I wish we had one around here.
Happy 4th of July weekend!!