
Saturday, May 24, 2008

Homeschool Curriculum

Today I went to an Abeka display with a friend from church and ordered Autumn's workbooks for 1st and 2nd grade. I needed to purchase the 2nd grade as well, since shipping to Australia will be a small fortune. I would have liked to purchase 3rd and 4th grade, too, but that money tree in my back yard never produced money as promised!

I really like Abeka, I just wish it wasn't so expensive! I only ordered the workbooks, because I can get the reading books and other odds and ends from ebay or Craigslist. I found some 1st grade stuff on Craigslist for less than half of the actual price. Now if only Abeka had coupons! Here's for wishful thinking!

For some great frugal tips chech out Biblical Womanhood.

1 comment:

Shari Ellen said...

I've never thought about checking Craig's list for curriculum.

I've bought curriculum through:

Yesterday, someone told me about I checked it out and there are lots of A beka books available. Instead of buying books, you make your used books available and when one of yours is ordered than you get to order one. The only cost is in the shipping. I'm not sure how that would work if you have to have it shipped to Australia.