
Thursday, April 27, 2017

G'day, mate! We're Aussies now!

April 26,2017 we became citizens of Australia!
(Yay, for no visa worries ever again!)

Here we are with another lady who was getting her citizenship
along with our town mayor.

Our pledge

My certificate

A sweet friend got us each a gift,
this was mine.

Some friends from work and church.

I wish we had a group photo of everyone who came to show their support.  I didn't even think of it!  It was a lovely evening and we all celebrated afterwards at a local restaurant.  If you're on my facebook, the town council facebook lived it so the video is on my wall.  

Standing there listening to the mayor welcome us as Australia's newest citizens, I couldn't help but think of the years we prayed for our visas, wondering what God was doing.  Now here we are 5.5 years later with our citizenship in hand.  God has a plan for every delay, every hiccup along the way. He is good, all the time!

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