We have enjoyed reviewing the Complete Home Learning Suite by Essential Skills Advantage (ESA). This is a fun, innovative, online learning program for Kindergarten through 6th grade.
ESA has been designed by a highly experienced team of educational teachers, writers, and developers. I was impressed to read that ESA is used in over 20,000 schools in North America. You can read more about ESA here.
The start up process was quite easy. It was also easy to add a child, and my son was able to get started right away, which makes this momma happy. It was also easy enough that he was able to get on my laptop at any time, logon, and do his work.
You can read more about their curriculum here, but in short they offer 5 subjects as you can see to the left. Each subject has several sections of learning. We have tried most of them, but my son's favourite was Science, particularly Life Science. And to be even more specific the animals! If you've read my blog before you know my son loves animals. He flew through the science section, but there was so many activities to chose from that it did keep him busy for awhile. I was amazed at all the topics of learning under each subject.
ESA has been designed by a highly experienced team of educational teachers, writers, and developers. I was impressed to read that ESA is used in over 20,000 schools in North America. You can read more about ESA here.
You can read more about their curriculum here, but in short they offer 5 subjects as you can see to the left. Each subject has several sections of learning. We have tried most of them, but my son's favourite was Science, particularly Life Science. And to be even more specific the animals! If you've read my blog before you know my son loves animals. He flew through the science section, but there was so many activities to chose from that it did keep him busy for awhile. I was amazed at all the topics of learning under each subject.
This page here shows the work completed. You can see the answers he got correct or incorrect. This was great for him to see all the gold stars, but also for me as the parent to see how well he was doing. While the child is doing the work, it lets you know if you got the answer correct or not.
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1 comment:
isn't it nice when a review item is a good fit?
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