
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Egglo Entertainment ~ TOS Crew Review

Egglo Review
Egglo ReviewWe had the opportunity to review another fun product for The Old Schoolhouse Crew Review Team.  Egglo Entertainment sent us a box of 12 glow in the dark eggs, the Egg-cellent Easter Adventure book, a pack of Treasure Scripture Scrolls, and we received the audio download for the book and download of the Easter Adventure Program Guide.

Although we do celebrate Easter (a joyous holiday for the Christians, in my opinion!), we don't often do the Easter egg hunts.  My dad and my bonus mom did an Easter egg hunt for the grandkids a few years ago when we were in America, and they ended with my dad doing the Resurrection Eggs and reading the story of Benjamin's Box.  My kids still remember that time.  Easter is a time to remember and rejoice that we serve a risen Saviour, and no Easter bunny or egg hunt is going to take that from us.  That's why I loved the focus of Egglo Entertainment.

"And the light shineth in darkness;
and the darkness comprehended it not."
John 1:5

Egglo Eggs is an exciting, interactive glow-in-the-dark Easter Egg hunt program designed to keep the focus on Jesus and teach your kids His truths (from their website).  You can do the egg hunt with just your family at home or use it at church in your Sunday School class or youth group.  In both of the churches that my husband pastors we have families that don't celebrate Christmas or Easter, so as not to offend, I just did it with my kids.

So here's how we used the product:

I read through the Program Guide and the Egg-cellent Easter Adventure book first without the kids.  It is quite a lengthy book, but fun and egg-citing (sorry for the pun!).  I put the Scripture scrolls in the eggs, then put the eggs out in the sun.  At dusk, I went out and hid the eggs.  I'm thinking it would've been better to put them in the light and maybe hid them around the house with the lights off, because the glowing eggs didn't keep their glow very long. The program guide says that after fully charged they glow best for 45-60 minutes.  Which is probably true, but I waited till dusk, and the sun was setting.  They still had their glow, but not as vibrant had I did it right away.  So, that was my fault, not theirs.

I called the kids out, and they had a blast hunting for them.  We have a pretty big yard, so I hid them in the bushes, in the pool, in the flower pots, by a scooter, etc.  There are 12 eggs, so I told them each to look for 6 eggs.  It didn't take too long, which is good because the mozzies love me, and I was already getting bit (another reason I should've done it indoors!).

Once they each found 6, we went inside and took turns reading the Treasure Scripture Scrolls.  They never asked once why there was no candy in the eggs, of course it was in the 80s even at 7pm, so chocolate would've melted!  I didn't go into details beforehand why the eggs glow in the dark.  So after reading the Scripture Scrolls, we talked about Jesus being the Light of the world.  We had a good discussion about it.  And then we read the Egg-cellent Easter Adventure book.  Like I mentioned it is a lengthy book.  The illustration are beautiful and kept their attention.  There were lots of great lessons and it connected it all together.  The audio book is great, for some reason when I read out loud to the kids I yawn about a million times, no matter what time of day it is!  Plus the reader is way more animated than me!

The products say they are for ages 4-13.  I thought my 11 year old daughter wouldn't be interested, but she had fun looking for the eggs too.  And they've both had fun playing with them after our 'official' egg hunt.

The program guide has lots of fun ideas for decorations, snacks, devotionals, games, colouring pages, invitations for an Egg-cellent Easter Adventure, and so much more.  So, if you're thinking this would be a good fit for your church's youth group, then you'll definitely want the program guide.

If you plan to just use it for your family, I'd recommend purchasing the glow in the dark eggs, the Scripture scrolls, and the book.

I also wanted to mention I really enjoyed looking through the Egglo Entertainment website.  It was very easy to find things and lots of videos (those boys are adorable!).  When looking to purchase something if the website is difficult or confusing, I'm just too lazy to try to figure it out.  So, I was glad to see they had a great looking, easy to maneuverer, and find what you're looking for website.

My kids and I enjoyed reviewing this product and will definitely use it again.  We reviewed the product early so you all could read the reviews and order them yourself before Easter, so I'll do it again closer to Easter with the kids, and I plan to do some of the fun recipes in the program guide as well.

My only complaints, and this is a personal preference, is that I would like to see them offer it in the King James Version.  The Scripture Scrolls did have a quote on them and as you can see in the photo above, it says it's "based" on a certain verse.  Also, and I don't mean to be picky, but I don't like pictures of Jesus and in different places they had a drawings of Him.  The one was in the program guide for a colouring page, I just wouldn't give my kids that page.  This doesn't take away from the product at all.  Just my tiny little critique of a great product.

Here are the items I reviewed and their prices:
The Egg-cellent Easter Adventure Program Guide ($14.99)

They do have some specials going on right now.  So, if you're interested, hurry and buy soon before the specials end.

; photo gloweggs-1.jpeg
Photo courtesy of Tiffany, another member of the TOS Review Crew.

If you'd like to learn more about Egglo Entertainments, here are their social media links...

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