
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Oh, the weather outside is...


Hot?  Cold?
I guess it depends on where you are.  Back in the states, all my friends and family are saying how cold it is.  Even schools are closing because it is so cold, and they are opening up warming shelters.  It's interesting that they are having record breaking temperatures and so are we, they're just 100 degrees apart.  This past week, we've broken the record hot for January.  We've been doing a lot of swimming and just sitting inside in the air conditioner.  It's too hot to do much else.  I'm already making plans to do our school work at our local library to enjoy their nice AC.
So, wherever you are, stay cool or stay warm.  What I wouldn't give to just do a face plant in the snow about now!  The grass is always greener...


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