
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Baptist Missionary Women

Baptist Missionary Women is a blog that I started to help encourage the missionary women across the world.  Being away from family and friends is not always easy, but having a group of women who completely understand what you're going through is a tremendous blessing!  I started a group on facebook as well to help encourage and minister to the ladies around the world.  There are currently over 450 member.  What a blessing and encouragement they have all been to me.

Anyway, this is just a quick advertisement for that blog.  If you are a missionary, I'd encourage you to check it out (even if you're not Baptist!).  If you know a missionary wife, mom, or single lady that is a missionary would you please pass on the link to our blog?


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for sharing about this blog! I blog about being a missionary wife, too. I'm glad there are others like yourself who are passionate about encouraging women in missions (and missionary wives)!