
Thursday, June 18, 2009

Queen of the Castle by Lynn Bowen Walker

I recently won this book from 5 Minutes for Mom. The idea of the book is to read one chapter a week during the year, starting with January. I can't quite remember when I got the book, but I read a few chapters a week, rather than one chapter each week. I have a hard time making the book last a full year.

I like how the book gives ideas for different holidays (because if you are reading one chapter a week, you'll be on schedule with those holidays).

The front cover says "52 weeks of encouragement for the uninspired, domestically challenged or just plain tire homemaker". It really was an encouraging book, I think I'm more uninspired right now than domestically challenge, but nontheless I really enjoyed the book.

Since most of my books are already packed for Australia, I'd like to pass this book along. The first person to comment they want it can have it. I'll email you for mailing instructions. Have a good day!

~ Jen ~


joy said...

oh! me me me!
i am "just plain old tired."

id love to read it.

Be Thou Exalted said...

Its all yours, Joy!

Ellen said...

Rats!! oh well, I'll have to buy one. Enjoy Joy!!