Okay, I can't believe I am posting this! Linda at
2nd Cup of Coffee is hosting a vlog - video blog. She did this awhile back, and it was so neat to "meet" everyone! I tried to use the webcam on my laptop, but blogger wouldn't upload it. I tried my camcorder and when I uploaded it there was no audio. Autumn even made a really cute one, if I can figure out how to get them on here, I'll post them later. So anyway, I used my digital camera, and it worked! I'm not having a great hair day, so don't make fun!! And why in the world do they pick the goofiest place in the clip to put in the freeze frame?!!! I decided to show you what I got for CHRISTmas...
Please go check out more of I See What You're Saying!
Hey, Jen! Well, we are both big fans of "The Office." I am dying to know how these games are played. All three of my teenagers love the show, too, but I get uncomfortable with some of the blue humor around them. Otherwise, it's in the top five or three shows that I enjoy. I almost got my daughter a Dwight bobble head last year, but they were a hot commodity. I'm so glad you did this! Sorry it took so much effort, but it was worth it (to me, at least!) I'm adding you to my "followers" blogs. Have a great day, and have fun watching the vids.
a creative memories gift certificate is an awesome gift! you just can't beat their quality and i have used alot of scrapbook stuff. thanks for posting, this was fun!
So nice of you to keep trying to add your video. I"ve never seen teh office, but I love Jon & Kate (Plus 8).
Good to SEE ya!
Great job with the camera! Glad you kept trying until something worked.
I know how frustrating it is when things don't go as planned. I couldn't figure out how to upload what I'd recorded on the computer (have a Macbook with built-in camera) so I do what I always do when all else fails. Call my kids! :-) LOL But it always works, so why mess with a good thing?
Love the bobble head Dwight! Fun gift :-)
You got some fun gifts!
Do they make a 24 board game and Jack Bauer bobble head?
I love the office! Oscar is my favorite. I loved the episode where he and Andy got drunk...
Nice to meet you!
Will you do a book review on Jon & Kate. I love reading but when it comes to Biographies I get bored...I have several half read books that include the Shack.
Aaah, I loved hearing your voice! You sound like a Pennsylvania...that's a good thing. :)
I take it you like "the office". You got some really nice gifts. Great vlog.
Well it's very nice to meet you Jen! Thanks for stopping by earlier, it was good to hear from you. I do have one question, though: what is hanging on the wall behind you? It looks like a cool metal flag or something, but I can't make it out for sure. :-)
Have a happy New Year!
nice to meet you! boy do i know what you mean on the many retakes. you do get to a point that you just don't care anymore! yours did turn out awesome. i've been wanting to read that book (jon/kate) and man, i'm wishing someone would've gotten that for me for christmas now!
I am sensing a family gift-theme conspiracy here. Thanks for posting.
PS - The metal flag thing has me curious too. So much so that I went back to the video just to check it out. I can't figure out what it is either.
By metal flag, do you mean the circle thing, its the thermastat for the house - nothing fancy! We live in a log cabin so there are logs and the white plaster stuff behind me.
So nice to meet another Office fan. One of my favorite shows and Dwight is kind of a love of mine.
Hi Jen! I'm so glad I found your blog today. I noticed you are a fellow PAer! I too love The Office. That's my quiet 1/2 hour each week. When the kids approach me I simply shush them and they walk away. They have learned the power of The Office! :) If the Dwight bobble head goes missing, um, I don't know what happened to it. :)
Nice vlog. I have never been able to get into the Office, but I love Jon & Kate Plus 8. I have been wanting to read the book. So, you'll have to do a book review for all of us. hehe
I think it's the logs and plaster, then. I've just never seen them go vertically before. Pretty sure it wasn't that way on Little House on the Prairie, anyway, and that's my source of expertise for all things log cabiny. :)
I agree with Abbi, you have our fabulous PA accent! :) I loved watching your video. I thought your hair looked cute! :)
Ready for this?
Read this closely because I am going to whisper this....I have never seen The office!
I am so glad that is off my chest!!
My sister loves The Office too..but (ahem) Ihaveneverseenit (whew).
Scary, I know. Perhaps, for the sake of pop culture I should give it a go?
good job!
happy new year...i'll have to check out "the office"
What a great smile! LOL! I love the office too. We are watching season two for our new years party. It was great to see you and you seem like a genuinely sweet person.
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