Since I have finally recruited some of my friend to try CVSing, I thought I'd help you girls out.
For a basic CVS 101 check out Money Saving Mom.
For weekly updates and all things CVS, plus lots of great coupon match-ups and links to $3 off $15 and $2 off $10 coupons check out I heart CVS.
For weekly scenarios and links to other bloggers (aka CVS SuperStars) who do the CVS thing check out The Centsible Sawyer.
These are 3 blogs that I check out all the time for help with my CVS deals. Also, if you are looking for a specific coupon check out Hot Coupon World. They have a coupon database, that shows you where to get the coupons. Or go to the company's website of the item you are looking for, they usually offer coupons if you register (set up an email account where all their emails can go to).
Remember when you start you will have to spend money oop (out of pocket), and then you want to use your ECB (extra care bucks) to pay for the next trip. I almost always do a transaction where I will earn ECB. So, I try to spend the amount in ECB that I will earn. Example...this week if you buy $15 worth of certain candy you earn $7 ECB. So, I bought $15 worth of candy used some coupons and paid with about $7 in extra buck.
I hope this helps. If you have any questions...ask...hopefully I can answer!!
Hi jen, I'm wondering how long have you been couponing and how much budget do you set weekly? I'm trying to figure out a set budget since we're Cvsing and Wagsing already hehe.
I have heard so much about CVS! We don't have those here and I SO wish we did! Great deals! Good work! :)
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