Trasaction 1 -
I returned some makeup that wasn't the right color and purchased the two packs of batteries and the Similac. The total for that was $0.26. This one was an exception because of the return, but still $0.26 for formula and two packs of batteries is a good deal!!
Trasaction 2 -
2 - Bic Soleil Razors ($5.99 each -2/$2 coupons)
1 - Adidas deoderant ($4.99 - $4.99 coupon)
1 - Aquafresh toothpaste ($2.99 - $1 coupon)
1 - Colgate toothbrush ($6.99 - $1 coupon) I didn't realize until I checked out that I bought the wrong toothbrushes so I didn't get the extra bucks for them. I plan to return them on Monday and get the right ones.
Also had a $3 off $15 coupon
Total - $1.96 out of pocket (oop) and I earned $14.98 ECB
Trasaction 3 -
2 - Post it Notes (2/$5 - $3 coupon) (Need to spend $5 to finish that deal)
1 - Bounty Paper Towels ($4.99 - $1 coupon)
2 - Aquafresh Toothpaste ($2.99 - 2/$1.50 coupons)
1 - Colgate Toothbrush ($.99 - $1 coupon - wrong item)
2 - Packs of hair supplies ($2.99 I wasn't planning to buy this, but it was a good deal and was filled with head bands, hair ties, etc.)
Used $3 off $15 coupon
Total $9.73 and earned $5.98 in extra bucks.
I plan on returning the two toothbrushes and will earn another $7.98 ECB. So all in all I spent $11.95 and earned $21.96 in Extra Care Bucks (+ the $7.98). For more great CVS deals check out moneysavingmom and the Centsible Sawyer for more great deals and other CVS superstars!
Great Job!
I probably need to return some make-up that isn't the right color too. I am not that great at remembering to do this!
Thanks for posting over at my blog for CVS Superstars!
The "Cent"sible Sawyer
Great Job!
I probably need to return some make-up that isn't the right color too. I am not that great at remembering to do this!
Thanks for posting over at my blog for CVS Superstars!
The "Cent"sible Sawyer
Great buys!
Good for you! What are you gonna do with all that mooolaah you are saving?
Great deals...I found some good ones last week too!
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