If you enjoy audios, then I know you will love Brinkman Adventures. We have listened the Brinkman Adventures in the past and were excited to review Brinkman Adventures Season 4. Season 4 includes these 12 fun, exciting, and action-packed episodes along with their theme...
37. A Paradise Lost - God is in Control
38. Remember Nhu - Persevering
39. Aisha's Fear - Overcoming Fear with Love
40. Heart Song - Tenacious Faith
41. The Crashed Kitchen - God Doesn't Make Mistakes
42. Crisis in the Congo - People over Projects
43. The Mysterious Palm Feller - Confronting Evil
44. War of the Raccoons - Faithfulness in Work
45. The Five Guys - Listening to God
46. Toughest Man - Surrendering Everything
47. Cambodian Quest - Going Deeper with God
48. What Brings Us Together - Glorifying God in Every Vocation
Listening to audios is a great way to unwind. I like to just turn on an audio and let the kids draw or colour while we just rest and listen. The Brinkman Adventures has been a great addition to our school time.
Season 4 takes you from Wisconsin to Cambodia to the Middle East to Russia to the Congo and even to some undisclosed locations! I love that each episode has a theme. From "God is in Control" to "Going Deeper with God."
I love that these stories are based on real life happenings. Some things are changed to help the story line flow better and to make it child friendly (as in the episode "Remember Nhu"), but you can read the Real Stories, see photos and videos here at this link. I really love that they have this part of their website. I enjoyed reading through all the real stories behind the episodes.
I don't want to give away all the episodes, but here is some info on some of our favourites.
My daughter just spent a week at camp, so it was fun to listen to the first episode of season 4. While it did rain while my daughter was it camp, it was nothing compared to the Brikman's and their campers went through.
"Remember Nhu" was a powerful episode, and was an eye opener of what is happening in Cambodia. I loved this story and how they have opened safe houses for the girls in Cambodia. I also love how it emphasises how important it is to listen to that small still voice from God. Had he not listened to God speaking to him, things could be very different in Cambodia.
I encourage you to check out The Brinkman Adventures website. Listen to a few samples. I'm sure you'll be hooked!
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