My daughter is currently doing US history, so I encouraged her to pick one that had to do with someone she was learning about. So she chose George Washington. With every topic you have several layout choices. Here is one...
We printed out the George Washington Notebook Pages, and for some reason, the notebooking finally clicked with my daughter and she loved it! It is a great way for her to share what she has learned without being confined to multiple choice questions, fill in the blanks, matching, etc.
She has since did a drawing on the bottom,
but she isn't thrilled with it so she didn't want me to share. :)
We've printed a few others and she is currently working on them. It will be fun to see how she continues to add more information, drawings, and continues to work on grammar, spelling, and all that fun stuff. :)
They recommend you put all your notebooking pages in a 3 ring binder and make one large notebook. I think this would be great to have them all in one place (especially if you make portfolios for your school year).
What I really love about NotebookingPages.com is that I can really see what she's learning. It's one thing to answer questions on a test, but to write it out and explain what you've learned is another. It's easy to memorise material quickly for a test, but to write out what you've learned makes you really think about what you have learned. And I think helps you retain the information longer.
If you're not sure what notebooking is please watch the video below. I didn't realise the variety of ways to do it. I feel like we're just scratching the surface with what we have done.
Having the Lifetime Membership is amazing, it's great to go on anytime to download what I want. My daughter has also gone onto NotebookingPages.com and printed out her own pages. I am planning to start doing the notebooking with my son as well. There is some great ideas for children (like my son) who do not enjoy writing. So, I'm anxious to give it a try.
If you are wanting to give it a try, click here to see their free resources.

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