- Catch up or get ahead for grades 3-12 math
- Prepare for high level exams
- Avoid summer learning slump
- Master math faster
- Build confidence in math
For parents who want to...
- Aren't comfortable helping their child with math concepts
- Don't have consistent time in their schedule to help
- Want a more affordable option than a tutor
- Need a proven math solution
How LearnBop works...
- Chose a Learning Roadmap - This is where you chose the grade level or math concept. Starting at 3rd grade was a bit hard for us since my son is only in 3rd grade, so there were many things he has not learned yet. But we were able to pick concepts to continue building on what he is currently learning, and skip others that he has not learned yet. For us, it may have been better to start him in 4th grade and use this as a review of 3rd grade. Having the option to pick a grade lever or a concept is a clever idea. Not all students learn math concepts in the same order, so you can jump around and do the work you chose.
- Identify Knowledge Gaps - After you have chosen your grade level or math concept, they will have your child do a warm-up that shows any areas the child needs improvement. LearnBop then personalizes the child's Roadmap so they can focus on areas the child needs to work on. How awesome is that?!
- Learn and Master Concepts - As your child begins their Roadmap, they will learn from thousands of instructional videos. This was my son's favourite! Once they watch the video they will do the exercises. Every math problem has helps along the way.
- Build Confidence - As your child completes the math problems they can track their progress and see how they have improved, in turn this builds their confidence to continue on. I loved how they encouraged my son not stay focused and not give up. Here's an example of the chart:
- Get Real Time Insight - Another bonus to this online math program was the parent section. Here I could see my son's Roadmap and his progress. It always makes you feel good to see your child progressing.

i like your point by point listing how to get through the program. :)
Good reading
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