
Tuesday, January 5, 2016 Review {TOS Crew}

SchoolhouseTeachers Review 2016

The 2016 Review Crew is ready to get started!  Our first review is for    I am reviewing the Yearly Membership for   This amazing website is jam-packed full of wonderful tools for homeschoolers.  

It may be a bit overwhelming when you first go to the website, so let me recommend that you start here at the New Members Hub.  This breaks it all down for you, and even gives a lists of frequently asked questions.  I promise the rest of the website will be smooth sailing if you go here first!

There are over 200 courses on from Preschool to 12th Grade! You can view them by subject or by grade.  After doing a little bit of searching, I picked two classes, one for each of my children to do this year.  

Guitar Lessons for my son (and probably my daughter, too)!
Beginning Guitar Intermediate Guitar Lessons on Schoolhouse Teachers
I have already printed off almost everything we need to get started.  My son is very excited.  My husband also plays guitar, so this will be a helpful teaching guide.
And for my daughter (and myself!!)
We are both excited about this course.  My daughter has been playing around a little with our video camera, but we have no idea how to edit and all that other good stuff. Maybe you'll see some new videos this year!

Here are some things that I am excited to incorporate into our school year...

start streaming NOW
They have over 10,000 streaming videos for members!  I am so excited about Adventures in Odyssey and the Bible Studies by Francis Chan and Dave Ramsey.  These are going to be excellent videos for our family.
I have printed out the Schoolhouse Planner.  There are several to chose from.  I'll need to adapt a few things as our school year is for all 2016.  But there are some wonderful extras like writing prompts, history timelines, book reading lists, and so much more.  As I begin planning our school year, I am excited to sit and put this together for how it will work best for us.

Spring Cleaning of Heart and Home
Here is another wonderful resource.  As I start the New Year, I am cleaning and decluttering like a mad woman!  This section has articles that will help you clean and declutter your home as well as your heart.

I encourage you to take some time to check out  Again, here is a great place to start.  You can get detailed lists of the courses and see what planners are available and more before you subscribe, but I don't think you will be disappointed!

But wait, there's more!
Haha!  Just like those tv offers, here is a special just for you!  

50% off a 1 year subscription!  How cool is that?!  Just use the code - CREWFOLLOWER  The coupon code is valid until January 31, 2016, so hurry and sign up today!  A subscription will work for your entire family, you do not have to pay per child.  A regular one year membership is $139.  Wtih the monthly membership option, you can give them a try for just $1 (use the coupon code - TRIAL).
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Other bloggers were given the opportunity to review
it's great to the perspectives from other people, so go here to read more reviews: Review 2016

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