
Monday, December 28, 2015

Our Christmas Service

We have been planning, preparing, and praying for our Christmas service and I am so excited to share these photos with you.  It was a wonderful evening.I have also posted a video of our Christmas play.  Click here to see it.

Waiting for everyone to arrive.

Someone graciously donated 50 coloring books for us to give to the kids,
so we wrapped them and added a pencil and candy cane.

People started arriving an hour early!

Meisha the angel 

Paddy the shepherd

Shanton the shepherd

Jai was Caesar Augustus and again Meisha the angel

We had lots of adorable sheep!

More angels

Did I mention we had some adorable sheep?

My view from the piano.

Jocelyn and Anita sang a beautiful song in Kriol called Immanuel

Anxiously waiting for the play

My handsome pastor

Chadwick read the Scripture reading in Kriol.

They were so excited about the presents.

I couldn't be more proud of our kids and the job well done they did.  We had many first time visitors come just to see the kids in their play.  What an amazing opportunity to share the love of God at Christmas time!

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