I wasn't planning on our trip taking so many posts, but I've enjoyed looking back through all my photos. We are so blessed!
Now for Christmas Eve!
We joined my dad for lunch at the Chinese Buffet.
This was Cody's favourite restaurant.
Not because of the Chinese food, but because of the buffet.
He loved getting his own food, and as much as he wanted!
The last few years we were in America, we had the tradition of going to my mom's for Christmas Eve. My brothers kept that up, so we went to my mom's on Christmas Eve again.

Mom's Christmas tree

We got mom a Keruig Machine.

Always read the instructions before assembly!

Another Christmas Eve tradition was to go see the live nativity
at the Mennonite Church. Our focus on Christmas is celebrating Christ's birth.
This is good for us to stop and remember to thank God for the greatest Gift ever given.

They have live animals that the kids enjoyed petting.
After the live nativity we went inside the church where they were singing Christmas carols,
and had hot chocolate and other snacks to enjoy.
Then we went to my grandmother's (on my mom's side)
and then to my great aunt's house. It was a late night!
Christmas Morning.

Autumn reading from Luke 2.

Dad and Wanda's Christmas tree

The kids got a new bow and arrows for Christmas.

I love this photo (besides my dad's goofy face!),
but it was so special for me to be with my family on Christmas.
I'm glad I have this photo to remember it.
That afternoon, we went to Patrick's brother's house to celebrate Christmas with them.

Patrick, his mom, and brother

Playing Mario Kart together.

Patrick loved hanging out his niece.
On Sunday, my dad's family had their Straley Thanksgiving.
I love the Straley family!

My aunt always has a creative Christmas tree!


My aunt has a stocking for every member of our family.
I have one last post that will have our going away party.
Thanks for joining me!
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