1/2 price appetizers at Applebees!

We have a litte Target in our town,
by that I mean it's about the size of most mini marts in America
but this Target was huge!

I love how all the town squares have Christmas trees.

Talk about a cheap breakfast!

I've missed the horse and buggies!

We were able to see Moses at Sight and Sound Theatres.
What a great show!

My dad and I went for a drive,
and I got to see the farm where he grew up.

Also got to see Chuck E. Cheese!

Straley boys

One night just Patrick, me, and my brothers went out for dinner,
mini golf, and a movie.

My birthday lunch at Cracker Barrel. Yum!

Drove past the church where I was saved and baptized.

My dad took Ayden and Cody to his barber.
Scotty has been cutting my dad's hair since he was just a boy.

Autumn got to catch up with her friend.

We went to my older brother's church and was able to visit with him and his family.
Cody was a bit tired of photos!

We had so much fun!
Still more to come!
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