We have had the privilege to review Digital Heroes and Heroines of the Past: Amererican History Curriculum from Golden Prairie Press. This curriculum is written by Amy Peutz, a homeschool graduate and history lover. I love history and want to share that with my children, so any extra history curriculum we can add I'm all for it!
Digital Heroes and Heroines of the Past: American History Curriculum is a 30 week history curriculum. Part 1 has 15 section, and each section has 5 lessons.
Each lesson has a short story for 1st and 2nd graders and a longer story for 3rd -6th graders (my son sat through the longer versions and he's 6). There are questions at the end along with writing topics. Some of these questions will require further research, which was fun. There is also a geography section where the kids can locate and label things on the maps. We enjoyed the many craft ideas as well. Each section also has a memory verse, which gets bonus points from me!
Throughout the lessons they occasionally discuss historical Art. I love the subtle way they introduce the art and have the kids answer questions about it.
We didn't do any of the skits they recommended, but I'm definitely keeping the book to go through later. It's not as much fun with just two kids. :)
I enjoyed the timeline as well, it just makes so much more sense seeing it all on paper. Also in the curriculum are recipes, which my daughter loved. One lesson talked about cocoa beans, and then they gave a recipe for a cocoa drink. Yum!
One of my kids' favourite stories was in Section 1, Lesson 2 where it told of Leif Eriksson and how he learned about Christ from the Norwegian King Olaf I. So began the song "Do you want to build a snowman" over and over and over!
Digital Heroes and Heroines of the Past: American History Curriculum is designed for grades 1-6, but I would think older grades would enjoy it as well. The price is $98.99, but don't let the price deter you. You get quite a bit for your money. Here is what you get in the curriculum package:

~ Heroes and Heroines of the Past: American History Part 1 ebook (my input: 388 pages!)
These are lessons for the first half of the year. You can view the Contents and Introduction here.
These are lessons for the first half of the year. You can view the Contents and Introduction here.
~ Heroes and Heroines of the Past: American History Part 2 ebook (my input: 408 pages!)
These are lessons for the second half of the year.
These are lessons for the second half of the year.
~ Additional Materials Downloads
This CD has supplemental materials. Here you will find printable timelines, instructions and entertaining videos, color artwork, coloring pages, and much more. This is such a fun bonus!
This CD has supplemental materials. Here you will find printable timelines, instructions and entertaining videos, color artwork, coloring pages, and much more. This is such a fun bonus!
~ Historical Skits ebook
We didn't use this book, but for larger families it would be great. You can view the table of contents and sample pages here.
We didn't use this book, but for larger families it would be great. You can view the table of contents and sample pages here.
~ Sing Some History CD
Hear some of the songs that are mentioned in the book: All the Pretty Little Horses, Lavender’s Blue, Liberty Song, Chester, Johnny has Gone for a Soldier, Yankee Doodle, Hail Columbia, Tippecanoe and Tyler Too, Oh! Susanna, Missionary Farewell, Henry Clay, Sweet Betsy from Pike, Dixie, Bonny Blue Flag, Battle Hymn of the Republic, When Johnny Comes Marching Home, I’ve Been Working on the Railroad, She’ll be Comin’ ’Round the Mountain, Pop Goes the Weasel, and Uncle Sam’s Rich Enough to Give Us All a Farm. Listen to a sample.
Hear some of the songs that are mentioned in the book: All the Pretty Little Horses, Lavender’s Blue, Liberty Song, Chester, Johnny has Gone for a Soldier, Yankee Doodle, Hail Columbia, Tippecanoe and Tyler Too, Oh! Susanna, Missionary Farewell, Henry Clay, Sweet Betsy from Pike, Dixie, Bonny Blue Flag, Battle Hymn of the Republic, When Johnny Comes Marching Home, I’ve Been Working on the Railroad, She’ll be Comin’ ’Round the Mountain, Pop Goes the Weasel, and Uncle Sam’s Rich Enough to Give Us All a Farm. Listen to a sample.
~ Listen to Some U.S. History MP3 CD
This is an audio collection of 20 original speeches, poems, sermons, and documents that are mentioned in the book. Includes: Mayflower Compact, Model of Christian Charity, Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, On the Method of Grace, To King George on the Repeal of the Stamp Act, To My Dear and Loving Husband,Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death, The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere, Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, Bill of Rights, My Escape from Slavery, Inaugural Address, The Emancipation Proclamation, Gettysburg Address, Excerpt from A Diary from Dixie, Speeches by Red Cloud, The Atlanta Exposition Address, Christian Citizenship, and Sergeant York. Listen to a sample.
This is an audio collection of 20 original speeches, poems, sermons, and documents that are mentioned in the book. Includes: Mayflower Compact, Model of Christian Charity, Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, On the Method of Grace, To King George on the Repeal of the Stamp Act, To My Dear and Loving Husband,Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death, The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere, Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, Bill of Rights, My Escape from Slavery, Inaugural Address, The Emancipation Proclamation, Gettysburg Address, Excerpt from A Diary from Dixie, Speeches by Red Cloud, The Atlanta Exposition Address, Christian Citizenship, and Sergeant York. Listen to a sample.
Not included in the curriculum, but I'd recommended...
Ten Great Adventurers by Kate Dickinson Sweetser, Edited by Amy Puetz
- Ten Girls from History by Kate Dickinson Sweetser, Edited by Amy Puetz
Heroines of the Past: Bible Study by Amy Puetz
Two Little Americans in Spanish California by Frances Margaret Fox
Jack and Jill by Louisa May Alcott
I really loved this American history curriculum and will keep reading the stories with my children as we have time. I only wish they weren't digital downloads and were actual books (that's was a lot of ink and paper!). I'm one of those people who don't own a kindle! I love real books! I'd recommend the printed version because it's the same price, but you pay a little extra for shipping. Check out the online store and see what else Golden Prairie Press has to offer.

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