
Saturday, July 9, 2011

Happy 4th of July {belated}

This photo sums up my husband's week.  I'm so thankful for his mechanical knowledge and for being able to save the church and members of the church hundreds, if not thousands of dollars.

On the 4th of July the church had a picnic.  Lots of people came out and we all had a good time of fellowhip.  Everyone joined in on a game of volleyball.  It was fun!

And we ended the evening with fireworks.  I love fireworks, there is just something special about gathering together and watching them light up the sky. 

Honestly I wasn't sure how Independence Day was celebrated here on the Navajo Nation, but it was fun.  One Navajo man brought the devotional and started off by saying, "Independence Day...the day we celebrate when the white man visited, and never left."  :)  These people have such a fun, sweet spirit and are proud to be Americans. 

I feel so blessed to be a part of this ministry, and look forward to every church service and fellowship!


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