
Sunday, November 14, 2010

Hello, My Name Is Martha...

I mentioned that a few weeks ago I went to a Ladies Retreat.  The sessions were wonderful, the fellowship was great, and the scenery was perfect.  I want to share some things I learned, maybe it will be a blessing to you, too.

One of the morning devotions they gave us to read was such an encouragement to me.  I love the story of Mary and Martha found in Luke 10:38-42.  I can relate to both ladies, but I tend to always be a Martha.  I so much want that time with the Lord, but I rush around making sure everything else is in order before I chose to sit at His feet, but by the time everything is done it's bedtime.  "This familar story reminds us that we can be so busy doing good things (like serving), that we do not have time for the best thing."  Although I'm doing a good thing - serving my family - I'm so busy that I'm neglecting the best thing - time with my Lord.

I think in this season of my life my struggle is that I want to serve God outside my home, but I'm not able.  With all our traveling and waiting, we're not in a position where I can teach a class every week or a Ladies Bible Study.  This lesson was a good reminder that I've been so focused on wanting to serve God that I've neglected to love God.

"We will never love God without serving Him, but too often we serve God without loving Him...The greatest attainment and acts of sacrifice are rendered profitless to ourselves if they are not done from a heart of love.  Idols often steal our love from God.  Sometimes that idol is our self.  We can do the right things out of motives of self-glory."

This goes two ways for me.  I allow myself to get so bogged down in my day to day life that I get too busy for God.  In another way, I've gotten too busy wanting to serve God outside the home that I've allowed that to be my focus - serving Him - instead of loving Him.

I've read over this devotional several times.  It helps me put my focus in order.  The greatest commandment is simply to love God.  Today, I chose to love God.

"And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart,
and with all thy soul, and with all thy might."
Deuteronomy 6:5

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