
Thursday, January 7, 2010

I'm Booking It in 2010

Last year my reading goal was 12 books, I figured one a month. I ended up reading 15. So, this year I made my goal 15. Here are a list of books I'm planning to read...
  • To Live Is Christ by Beth Moore (I actually just finished this.)
  • Making The Climb by John C. Bowling (This book will give you a hint to my last post.)
  • Praying God's Word by Beth Moore
  • Trapped in Hitler's Hell by Anita Dittman
  • The Normal Christian Life by Watchman Nee
  • Into the Wild (can't find the book to write the author)
  • Mary Lincoln by Ruth Painter Randall

This is just a few books I'd like to read this year. My husband and I really enjoy reading. In fact we have 9 boxes of books packed for our move to Australia.

To see who else is Booking It check out LifeIsMom.

1 comment:

FishMama said...

Sounds like a good list. I've heard good things about Watchman Nee, though I've never read him. How is your list going?