How is this a picture of happiness? Well, I've mentioned about this whole weight loss thing. I've been doing really well with the treadmill. Yesterday afternoon, Patrick and I went on a hike...a 4.4 mile hike. This was the view at the top. Just beautiful. Pure happiness! On the way back Patrick found this little guy...

...which in some weird sort of way brought my husband happiness...

The snake just had supper, see the lump.
Yep, gross!
I can only assume the snake was happy, too.
Achievements give us great happiness! =)
Oh my gosh! That is freaking me out right now! FREAKING ME OUT!
and that would be one thing that would NOT make me happy - a happy snake. That's a fantastic view from the top of that mountain. Soon fall will be here and views like that will be awesome :)
The view is lovely! That would make me happy too. And hooray to you for the weight loss and treadmill action!
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