
Friday, August 21, 2009


We started school this week, you can read more about that here. There are several reasons for starting a little early, one being my hubby was away this week. For some reason it's easier to stay on schedule and get everything done when he's not home. I must mention that not only have we done school every day, but my house is pretty clean, too!!

Anyway, wanna know where my hubby is? Well, he went to visit him...
or maybe it's a her. No offense, gator, but I still would rather not meet you like this, although in the photo below, you're rather cute, almost like you're smiling at me...
Anyway, he took a pastor friend of his, and they slept here...
Yep, they're both nuts! This is a platform just above the water where the alligators are swimming! My worry would be rolling over in my sleep and falling into the water...still in my tent.

This is my last night of sleeping in my bed all alone, I do miss my man, but there is just something about having the whole bed to myself! I'm sure I'll post some pics of his trip when he gets home.


Anonymous said...

LOL about rolling off while in tent! good thing you didn't say that 2 days ago or I would've worried MORE! those are some crazy hubbies we have, huh?:)--Laura

Noel said...

yikes! yeah, I'd prefer my bed to an alligator any day :)

DeeDee said...

wow... Not sure if I could sleep there...
Maybe it is just a "guy" thing...

Mama2hre said...

Congrats on starting school AND keeping the house clean! My kids go to public school and my house still isn't as clean as I would like it! :) Love the "camping" pics. That tent pic along with the croc should be placed beside the word CRAZY in the dictionary! :) Enjoy spreading out tonight!