
Friday, May 8, 2009

Where's My Trophy?

Last night Autumn came home from Patch club with a certificate for faithful attendance and devotions for the month of April. I wondered where my certificate was for helping her get to church on Wednesday evening, and for helping her do those devotions every day. I was reading this morning from Queen of the Castle by Lynn Bowen Walker. I'm on a chapter about Mother's Day, and she was talking about the trophy's her kids have received, and she wondered where her trophy was for driving the kid's to soccer practice, or making those snacks, and for all the other things moms do. It got me thinking...

Where's my trophy? Well, my trophy is when I saw Autumn get out of the car and grab all the shopping bags and run up to the house. When I got up there, she said, "Mom, I showed compassion by helping you carry up the groceries, because you're hands were full carrying Cody." There's my trophy.

Cody woke up super happy this morning...that's my trophy.

Autumn apologizing to a friend for being not so nice (without me telling her to)...that's my trophy.

Cody covered in peanut butter and jelly, smiling like it was the best thing he's ever ate...that's my trophy.

Autumn getting the vacuum out and vacuuming the living room (without me telling her)...that's my tropy

Well, you get the idea. A mom's work is never done. There will always be dishes in the sink, laundry in the hamper, dirt on the floors, children to correct, but my trophies are all around me. I've been blessed. And although some days are not the best, I may have said things I shouldn't have, done things that I could've done better...I have two great kids...and they are my trophies.

~ Jen ~


Ellen said...

Well said!!!!

A Dusty Frame said...

This is a great post! What a great way to look at it. I've heard these called "paychecks" too:)

Sue said...

I love this, Jen. Great thoughts..thank you! I'm not a mom yet, but this will definitely be filed away for later use!! :o) It's actually very easy in many areas of our life to wonder "where's MY trophy?!" It's easy for us to focus on "nobody seems to notice what I'm doing!" and lose sight of where our reward really is!

Colossions 3:23 - 24
And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ.

Anonymous said...

what a great post! thanks for sharing:) I do think Patrick should give you a trophy though...for putting up w/ him! LOL --Laura