...for all of you stopping by from the
Titus 2 Blog Party! My name is Jen, I'm married to Patrick a great guy, who sometimes tends to be too smart for his own good (i.e. we're currently at Disney World, and he got on the Space Mission ride and had to figure out all the physics of why the ride was so fun!). I'm also a mom to Cody (he just turned 1) and Autumn (6). We're are are missionaries finishing up deputation and awaiting our visas to be approved for Australia. Lord willing, we'll be moving in just a few short months. Right now, I am finishing up a 7-day vacation with my family at Disney World. This is our first trip, and its been great! My main purpose for this blog is for family and friends to keep up-to-date with our busy life. I love shopping with coupons, scrapbooking, and reading missionary biographies. Thanks for stopping by...don't be a stranger!
~ Jen ~
HI Jen, Welcome to the party. Wow, moving to Australia, that is big! I look forward to reading more. Thank you so much for joining in the party. Have a lovely week!
In Him,
She Looketh Well
Hi! Enjoyed visiting your blog! Love the name -- reminds me of my favorite hymn -- Be Thou Exalted by Fanny Crosby and Al Smith. Have you heard it? Moving to Australia -- how fun with that be!!! May the Lord bless you and your family!
Hi! Isn't this blog party fun?! It's nice to see a familiar face.:)
Have a blast a Disney World!!
Hi Jen, Nice to meet you today.
I am so blessed by all of these young families I am meeting here that are planning on going to the mission field. This is Wonderful!
I hope you will be used greatly to bless others and to bring them to the Lord.
If you have a chance you might click on my blog and read my poem called, "I Am Held".
Your blog name is beautiful! I hope you're having fun. Be blessed!
My live traffic feed shows me as Sydney, but I live in Victoria, Australia. Which State are you moving too?
Hi Jen,
As an Australian living overseas, all I can say is that you're going to love it! Okay, I'm biased, but I do hope that you find it soon becomes home. It will be quite different to what you're used to but God's people are found everywhere.
Nice to meet you. Enjoy the party. Blessings, Jules
Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Disney World! WOW! We have never been and I have always wanted to go. We talk about using our income tax money every year and taking the girls, but it seems every year other things rule over! But that's okay, maybe we'll get there some day!
Have fun!
Thanks for visiting my blog. I am trying to think if my great grandma's sister was a pioneer of where you are moving to, will have to look. Sometimes I type out things she has written. Not sure you would appreciate this one, but it may be interesting.
What fun you are having. I think God has lots of great moments in store for you.
Lovely to meet you. I look forward to reading more of your blog. I will say a little travel prayer for you.
Another missionary mom :) Nice to meet you! Can't wait to watch God's faithfulness unfold in your life!
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