
Friday, March 20, 2009

Ultimate Blog Party

Ultimate Blog Party 2009

5 Minutes for Mom is hosting the Ultimate Blog Party. So, I thought I'd join the party.

My name is Jen, I'm wife to my crazy, adventurous husband, Patrick. Mom to Autumn (who's 6) and Cody (who just turned 1). I just celebrated my 1 Year Blogging Anniversary and 20,000th hit! Here are a few random facts about me:
  • I home school my daughter
  • I am not crazy and adventurous like my hubby
  • I love to scrapbook
  • I love photos
  • I love my Canon Rebel camera
  • I love to organize
  • I like to clean (like, not love)
  • I love Facebook
  • I love saving money by using coupons
  • I love reading people's blogs

Gotta love those bullets! So, now you know a little bit about me! I'm looking forward to "meeting" new people through this blog party. It should be fun. Thanks for stopping by.

For my prize list...#19, #49, #USC 50...or #121, #9, #88, or #103. I'd link up, but I got confused with all the links and numbers...sorry!

~ Jen ~


Beth said...

welcome to the party! Nice to meet you! Just stopped by to say hi!

Janet said...

Homeschoolers ROCK!

Hey, I am participating in the BOP at 5 Minutes for Moms. Happy TGIF!
Come sit for a spat! You are No. 13of my 20 ppl. My daughters are helping me pick numbers. lol

Twitter: gahome2mom

Muthering Heights said...

Congrats on the blogaversary!

Anonymous said...

Nice to meet you. It's great meeting all these people at the blog party.

Jennifer said...

We have a lot in common! I love comments and blog stalking too! Oh, and my name is Jennifer!!

Stopping by for the party! Thanks for the warm welcome, and feel free to share some of your mommy advice to me anytime!

Myra @ My Blessed Life said...

Just stopped by to say hi! Happy Partying!!

Valencia Jones-Edwards said...

Welcome to the party. I look forward to you stopping by and blessing me with your comments.

Jadehollow said...

Hi Jen...
Happy UBP Day!
Nice to meet you.. love the name of your blog!
Have a Blessed Weekend.

Misty said...

love your little blog! from your bullet points, i can relate to several of them! thanks for hosting a fun party and enjoy the rest of the UBP!

Toknowhim said...

Stopped by for a visit... Saw your blog title and guessed who you were talking about, Jesus...

Blessings and feel free to stop by my bloggy anytime... Kim

Anonymous said...

Cool! I like scrapbooking and photography too! Nice to meet you.

Goat Gal said...

Hello! I am here from the 5m4m UBP. I as well love to scrapbook and I am not all that adventurous. I am a home preschool mom. Have a great party!

Sandra Joseph said...

I echo your blog theme - may the Lord be exalted!! Be sure to come to my blog for a give away of a set of A Mother's Paychecks at Recognize & Remember at


Beverly said...

Hi there!
SO nice to meet you. I love the title of your blog. I came here from The Ultimate Blog Party, and I am glad I did!

Beverly from The High Calling

YZgirl4 said...

We sound very similar, right down to the love to organize part. My friends think I am


In That Moment... said...

Just stopping by to party! My little man turns 1 on Wednesday - bittersweet. Hope you are having a great weekend!

jodimichelle said...

Hi Jen!

I'm with you on the cleaning, like and not love - although most days I don't think I even like it. But I try!

so nice to meet you :)

Melanie said...

Hi, Jen... just stopping by to visit as part of the blog party! So nice to meet you! I just celebrated my one year blogoversary recently, too.

Enjoy the party!

~Sandy~ said...

Hi Jen! Found you through the Facebook party link! So nice to meet you :O) Head on over to my party blog....Happy UBP '09

StacieinAtlanta said...

Hi Jen-

Coming by fromTthe Ultimate Blog Party to say hi. Make certain to check out my place for your chance to win a LeapFrog Tag Reading System. :)

The Divine Miss Mommy

Anonymous said...

Hi Jen! Stopping in to party with you. I am participating too! Party on.

Nell said...

It's nice to meet you! I'm here from the UBP and look forward to getting to know you more this week.


janetfaye said...

Hi Jen, Happy to meet you!

LivingforGod said...

I came here via the Ultimate Blog Party. Nice to meet you, another sister in Christ and a fellow homeschool mom!

Hope you'll come visit my blog when you get a chance :).

Anonymous said...

Hello! Poppin’ in from The Ultimate Blog Party…all the way from Queensland, Australia! G’Day! I hope you have time to visit my party soon.


I want to invite you to the Mommie Daze Virtual Baby Shower that I am hosting May 15 to June 8. This is an international even and there are prizes! Stop by my blog for all the details.

Tonya said...

Hi Jen! I love scrapbooking, photos, facebook, and reading blogs! Your kids are too cute. Great meeting you.

Colette S said...

Nice to meet you!

Talk about a party!

I'm quite intrigued and am learning how to get around!

Just stopping by from 5minutes for moms blog party!

Carma Sez said...

stopping by from UBP to say "hi" - party on :-)
I'm not too adventurous either; crazy, but not adventurous ;-)

Angi said...

Stopping by from the UBP! Like your site! Hope you can stop by my blog for a visit and to win a book!

Dusty (To the Moon and Back) said...

Hello! Stopping by through the UBP! I like your blog! We seem to have a lot in common! Swing by my blog if you get a chance! I hope you are having a wonderful day!