We've had the fire going almost all week. It saves a lot of $$. It is cold outside. Very cold. I checked weather.com and it said "14 degrees...feels like 4". What's that, Al Gore, about global warming? Bring some of it my way!
I also had a quick question for all you homeschool mommies. How do you organize your curriculum? Where is your schoolroom? We live in a
tiny house, and am still trying to find a way to make it work. Any organizing tips would be much appreciated. Thanks!
~ Jen ~
I love a fire. It makes everything seems so much cozier!
Love the fire place, clapping baby and credit card wisdom. Did I get it all,lol. I've benn so busy I'm trying to catch up with everyone. I have a book shelf for our curriculum and I store some in what is supposed to be a china cabnet, but since I don't have china I use it for girly hair stuff, books,coloring paper and extra school stuff. I want to make a little curtain for the glass doors so you can't see the mess. Our school room is the dining room table. I have found it works best for us. I had school desks but they didn't work and the girls just stuffed them full of junk. They took up too much room and really weren't a must. The table works and the girls seem to work better at the table. So that is a little on how we do school.
I forgot Wordless Wednesday!!! It was precious!! Great Job! Sorry, I over use exclamation points way to much,lol.
We have our fire going too, so cozy! Though yours is way more authentic.
We have our homeschool stuff in a big armoire. I hang posters on the inside of the doors and then when we're done for the week (it never gets put away until the weekend) I can pack it all up and close the doors, and not think about it until Monday. :)
It was hard when we lived in our old house b/c we only had one table. Now we do school at the dining room table so it can lay out all week. But it was hard with just one table...I was constantly getting it out and cleaning it up. I kept most of her stuff in a pink crate that we called the "homeschool crate" and then I stuck that in the mudroom. But it was so hard to keep it neat and still get it all done each day. I hope you find a way that works for you!
We are hanging by our fire lately too!
As far as organization, all I can tell you is that bookshelves are muy importante.
I have an informal dining room off of the kitchen, which we turned into a classroom. I have 2 1/2 bookshelves in there.
On one, each child has a shelf where they store their books/supplies for the year. On the other bookshelf, we have the books on there based on subject, so one shelf is History, another Science, ect.. It may just be resources, but they're organized.
Then I use other bookshelves for the trillion other books/ school stuff we have.
Remember, when space is an issue (and it is here, too) go UP!
That fireplace looks so warm and inviting!
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