
Saturday, September 13, 2008

What to do...what to do.

My husband is on his way here...
the Grand Canyon, as well as Yellowstone and the Badlands. Oh, how I wish I could go with him, but in this season of my life I can't. With a 5 year old and a 6 month old, a bazillion hour car ride does not seem fun. He went with his brother and Phil, a man from our church. Please pray for them as they travel. I am praying for safety and a refreshing time away for my hubby. I must admit I am quite jealous, and at times frustrated that he is away for 11 days, and I can barely get a few hours alone at the grocery store. BUT I am thankful that he has this opportunity to go. He has been wanting to for awhile, and I hope he has a wonderful time, although I miss him greatly. I have made myself a LONG to-do list to keep me busy while he is away. I plan to rent some good chick flicks and enjoy the quiet time when the kids are in bed at night. He'll be home the'll be here before I know it...right?

1 comment:

Julie said...

Bill was supposed to go on a 2 week hunting trip to Colorado, and be getting back sometime this or next week. I felt the same way you do...happy for him, but a little jealous for me!! Unfortunately the guys he was going to go with canceled...I actually feel guilty over how relieved I was to hear that!