If you don't shop at CVS what are you waiting for (Laura)?! My total before coupons was $102. After coupons, I paid $31.03. Which sounds like a lot for me, but I earned almost $50 Extra Care Bucks, which is money I can spend there next time. Here is a list and photos of what I bought...
I picked up this computer "Laptop" for Autumn for $2.50! She loves it.

I will do my best not to make this boring or confusing!
DEALS - Buy $15 in participating products (listed in flyer) & get $5 ECB
.....2 Sunsilk Shampoos & 2 Conditioners - $3.49 each + Buy 1 Get 1 Free coupons
.....1 Sunsilk Hair Gel - $3.49 + $1 off coupon
DEALS - Buy $25 in participating products (also listed in flyer) & get $10 ECB
.....2 Huggies Diapers - $8.99 + $2/$2/ & $2 CVS coupons
.....1 J&J shampoo for kids $2.99 + $1 coupon
.....1 J&J Wash cloths $2.99 + $1 coupon
.....1 J&J Detangler $2.99 + $1 coupon
DEALS - Buy 3 Essence of Beauty products get $5 ECB
.....5 Gift Bags (they come with matching tissue paper!)- $1.49 each (earned $5 ECB) (I had already purchased 10 gift bags. This is the best deal. Buy 15 gift bags ($22.35) get $25 ECB. This is a great way to get started.
DEALS - Buy 1 Soft Soap $4.99 - earn $4.99 ECB (every week there is at least one item you can get free and they usually let you get up to 5)
.... 3 Soft Soaps - $4.99 + 3/$1 coupons (earned $14.97 ECB, went in later and got 2 more and got another $9.98 ECB)
DEALS - Buy 1 Crest Toothbrush earn $1 ECB
.....2 - Kids Crest Toothbrushes - $2.99 each + Buy 1 Get 1 Free coupon (earned $2 ECB)
DEALS - Buy Venus Razor earn $4 ECB
.....1 - Venus Razor - $9.99 + $4 coupon
DEALS - Gelitte Fusion Razor earn $2 ECB
.....1 - Gelitte Fusion Razor $9.99 + $4 coupon
Extra - Rubbermaid take-alongs were 75% off ($0.54 each), and I had a $1 of 2 coupon, so basically I paid $0.08 for them! And the cotton balls were $1.49 and they were bought just because I needed them!

Great job, Jen. Won't be too long and you'll be missing out on all this CVS fun. :D
Are you guys shipping a container to Australia?
Ooooh...great score!
I have looked at 3 different CVS's now for the bags...but everone must have the same idea. :)
Although I did get some other Essence of Beauty things priced at $1.99 and $1.49 today. But the 99 cent toe separators are what I'm really looking for!
This CVS business is fun! My sister also ventured into the Walgreens arena last night and scored big time! Maybe if I get my act together, I will post about it soon. :)
Yeah, Laura! Come on, what are you waiting for?
You did awesome this week at CVS. I wish I had scored a little laptop like that for my daughter. She would've loved it.
I am so jealous of the gift bags!! I am scouring every CVS for them. And I had a major disappointment on Friday b/c at the fourth CVS I tried, they had the toe separators!!! But they didn't work! I was so upset. :) I returned them, of course.
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