Cody loves to be held and cuddled, and I love to hold and cuddle him, therefore I have had to learn to do many things with one hand. Here are just a few...
- Typing posts for my blog
- Brushing my teeth
- Folding laundry
- Scoring my brother's schoolwork
- Putting on my makeup
- Pouring cereal and milk in a bowl with no mess
- Playing Tetris on my facebook
These are just a few, each day I am adding new things to my list!
Mommy's are so talented aren't they!?! Cute picture of you and your baby.
You can see Cody's little smile as you hold him.
Wow - I don't think that I could do all these things with just one hand - cool :)
Blessings to you and yours.
That's such a sweet picture!
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